Some of our brands...

Sumol was the first pasteurized fruit drink to be introduced in Portugalin 1954. Since its launch the brand has accompanied market trends, in line with consumer needs, and it has maintained its unmistakable fruit flavour.
Eurofoods & Wines Ltd is very
proud to have as business partners companies like Sumol + Compal who keeps
a close relationship since many years.
We have a variety of fruit flavors in the range Sumol (Orange, Pineapple and Passion Fruit.) The consumer has the possibility of drinking a refreshing, fruit juice, with a flavor that makes your mouth water.
Also under the name "Compal", Eurofoods offers
a wide range of flavors divided into three sub-categories:
Compal Nectar:
These are the more pulpy nectars, bursting with body
and flavour. This includes the original Compal flavours, such
as Pêssego (Peach) and Pêra Rocha (Rocha Pear), long enjoyed by
generations of Portuguese people
Compal 100%
The 100% flavours are distinguished from other drinks due to their
high fruit content (100%) and they are crisper than nectars,
although equally tasty
Vital Compal fills a need in the market of vitamin fruit juices
presenting a range in which all the flavors are selected based on
the characteristics of the fruit vitamin.