Some of our brands...

Eurofoods & Wines Ltd is a wholesale company, Importers and Distributors of foods and wine etc, established in jersey since 1996 and Specialized in Portuguese Products.
Founded on 21 March 1992 by Manuel Silva and Gilberto
Saraiva, performing the first one the functions of General.
Primarily aimed to fulfill a niche of the market and to cater for
the needs of the local resident Portuguese Population, Eurofoods
& Wines Ltd soon established itself as the main importer of
Portuguese food, wine, beers and soft drinks into the Channel
Indeed having started operating from an old shed and mainly importing wines, soft drinks and some lines of packed foods we moved into brand new premises in January 1998 expanding our operation into de frozen and chilled foods as well.
Two years later, in 2000, we rented another warehouse which we split up into three levels of storage, being the ground floor occupied with a freezer room capable of holding 50 pallets of frozen foods.
Throughout the last 14 years we have worked very close with our customers and suppliers to bring the best and the latest products available in the market and are very proud to be associated with most of the leading Portuguese Companies being it food, wine, beers, soft drinks etc.
We have continuously invested in human resources, equipment, and transport to bring and deliver the products on the best conditions possible according to the law and guidelines in place.
All our products are stocked locally and available to be delivered immediately.
We Are delighted to present our Eat Safe 5*Excellent Certificate